
Caramel Apple Blondies

Caramelised Apples6 small apples or 1 lb (not cooking apples) - cored, peeled and cubed, should make 2 3/4 cups
60g brown sugar
3 tbsps water

150g marge
1 1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup syrup
2 eggs
2 cup sr flour
2 tsps cinnamon
1 tsp cardamom
Caramel Glaze40g marge
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tbsps syrup

Cook the apple pieces in the water for a few mins until softened, then mix in the sugar. Drain, reserving the liquid.

Beat together the marge, sugar, syrup and eggs. Mix in the flour, cinnamon and cardamom, then fold in the apple pieces.

Spread into a greased square dish, then drizzle over the sauce from the apples. Bake at 180 for 40 mins.

Melt together the ingredients for the glaze, and drizzle it over the blondies.

Caramel Sauce (instead of the glaze)
50g marge
100g brown sugar
100mls double cream

Melt the marge and sugar in a saucepan, stir in the cream and bring to the boil.

Black-bottom Cookie Bars


175g marge
1 1/4 cups sugar (use a mixture of brown and granulated)
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsps vanilla
2 cups plain flour
1/4 cup cocoa
1 cup chocolate chips


Cream together marge and sugar, then mix in eggs, vanilla and flour. Transfer half the mixture into a separate bowl and mix the cocoa and chocolate chips into one half.
Spread the chocolate mix into a greased square dish, and smooth the vanilla mix on top. Bake at 180 for 30 mins then cut into bars.



3 aubergines
1 tbsp oil
2 tsps crushed garlic
2 large shallots
600g beef mince
390g can chopped tomatoes
4 tbsps tomato puree
2 tsps oregano
salt and pepper
1 tsp stock powder
400 mls dairy-free yoghurt
1 egg
salt and pepper
matza meal

Slice the aubergines into 1/2cm rounds and stir in a large bowl with a little oil to coat. Arrange the slices on lined trays and bake at 190 for 25 minutes, turning over half-way.
Heat 1 tbsp oil in a large pan and fry the shallot and garlic for 2 minutes. Add the minced beef and cook, stirring constantly, until it browns. Stir in the tomatoes and all the seasoning, then cover. Simmer for 15 mins, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile beat the egg into the white sauce with a fork, then add salt and pepper.
Layer a third of the aubergine slices in a large ovenproof dish, then pour half of the mince over it. Repeat with another layer of aubergine then mince, and finish with a layer of aubergine. Pour the sauce over the top and sprinkle with matza meal.
Cook in the oven at 180 for 40 minutes.

Stir-Fried Noodles


Medium egg noodles
Sesame oil
Crushed garlic
Soy sauce
Sweet chilli sauce or duck/plum sauce
Vegetables of your choice: mange-tout, baby corn, peppers, mushrooms, carrot, beansprouts, spring onion
Optional - chicken
4 chicken breast fillets, cut into strips
2 tsps crushed garlic
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp turmeric
lemon juice
coriander, parsley
salt and pepper

If you are making chicken as well, prepare it first. Mix the ingredients for the marinade, then stir through the chicken strips and leave for 1/2 an hour. Stir-fry in batches for 6-8 mins or until cooked inside.
Heat the sesame oil in a large wok, add the crushed garlic. Chop all the vegetables and stir-fry in the wok with some soy sauce for up to 5 minutes, or until softened.
Make the noodles according to the instructions on the packet, then add them to the wok.
Mix together equal amounts of soy sauce and sweet chilli, then stir it through the noodles and vegetables.