
Rich Chocolate Cake


175g dark chocolate
150g marge
4 eggs
150g sugar
200g ground almonds
Chocolate Glaze
80g dark chocolate
50g marge

Melt the chocolate and marge together in a saucepan. Whisk together the eggs and sugar, then fold in the ground almonds. Mix the melted chocolate into this, pour into a greased cake tin and bake at 180 for 45 mins.

For the glaze, melt the chocolate and marge until smooth. When the cake is done, turn it onto a serving plate. Spread the glaze over it and leave to cool until the chocolate hardens.

Chocolate Roulade


4 eggs
115g sugar
115g dark chocolate
50g ground almonds

250mls whipping/double cream


Melt the chocolate in a small saucepan until smooth. Whisk the eggs and sugar until thick, then fold in the ground almonds and the melted chocolate.

Pour this into a lined deep baking tray and bake at 180 for about 20 mins.

Whisk the cream with 1-2 tbsps sugar until thick.

When the roulade is done, leave to cool, then turn it out onto a piece of baking paper. Spread the cream over the middle of it, leaving a large area around the edges, then use the paper to help roll up the roulade carefully, with the seam underneath.

Serve dusted with icing sugar.

Lemon Cream Meringue


4 egg whites
225g caster sugar
1 tsp almond essence
50g ground almonds
Lemon Cream
250mls whipping/double cream
2 tbsps sugar
Grated zest of 1 lemon
2 tsps lemon juice

Whisk the egg whites, then whisk in the sugar until stiff. Fold in the almond essence and ground almonds. Pour this into two square foil tins. Bake at 170 for about 1/2 an hour.

Meanwhile whip the cream, then add the sugar, lemon juice and zest and whip until thick.

When the meringues are baked, leave to cool, then turn out one onto a serving plate. Spread the lemon cream over it, then place the second meringue on top, and serve.

Orange Chocolate Chip Cake


1 large orange (or 2 small/medium ones)
175g sr flour
150g marge
175g sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
100g dark chocolate chips
Chocolate-Orange Sauce
85g dark chocolate chips
25g marge
3 tbsps orange juice


Finely grate the rind of one orange, then peel the orange(s) and cut the segments into small pieces. 
Beat together the flour, marge, sugar, eggs and vanilla essence until smooth. 
Stir in the orange pieces and rind, followed by the chocolate chips.
Pour into a greased square cake tin and bake at 180 for about 40 minutes.

To make the sauce, melt the chocolate chips, marge and orange juice in a saucepan until smooth.

Serve the cake warm with the sauce spooned over the top.