
Lemon Cream Meringue


4 egg whites
225g caster sugar
1 tsp almond essence
50g ground almonds
Lemon Cream
250mls whipping/double cream
2 tbsps sugar
Grated zest of 1 lemon
2 tsps lemon juice

Whisk the egg whites, then whisk in the sugar until stiff. Fold in the almond essence and ground almonds. Pour this into two square foil tins. Bake at 170 for about 1/2 an hour.

Meanwhile whip the cream, then add the sugar, lemon juice and zest and whip until thick.

When the meringues are baked, leave to cool, then turn out one onto a serving plate. Spread the lemon cream over it, then place the second meringue on top, and serve.

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