
Rum Baba

3 eggs, separated
200g sugar
200g sr flour
60g marge, melted
1/4 cup water
200mls double/whipping cream
Rum syrup
175mls water
225g sugar
100mls rum

Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar. Mix in the flour, melted marge and water.
In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites until stiff, then fold carefully into the batter.
Spoon this into a greased cake tin (a Bundt tin is good) and bake at 180 for about 25 minutes.

Meanwhile for the syrup, place the water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Stir in the rum.

Whisk the cream until thick.

I find the best - and least messy! - way to do the next stage, is to place the baked cake in a large, deep tin (a square foil container worked for me), skewer the top, then slowly pour the syrup over it. Now place the cake onto a serving dish, and again slowly pour the syrup that wasn't absorbed before, from the dish and over the cake. 

If you used a Bundt tin, spoon the cream into the hole in the middle, and garnish with fruit. Or you can serve the Rum Baba with the cream on the side. 

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