
Aubergine Parmigiana


3-4 aubergines
4 tbsps olive oil
Grated cheese
Tomato Sauce1 tbsp oil
1 shallot, chopped
1 tsp crushed garlic
400g chopped tomatoes
400g sieved tomatoes (passata)
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 tsp sugar
Salt and pepper
Chopped parsley/oregano/basil

Slice the aubergines to 1/2 cm thick and mix with the olive oil to coat. Arrange the slices on baking trays and bake or grill on both sides until beginning to brown.
Meanwhile to make the tomato sauce, fry the onion and garlic in the oil  in a saucepan until the onion is soft. Add the remaining ingredients except for the herbs, and cook uncovered for 15 mins. Stir in the chopped herbs.
Spoon some tomato sauce into a large baking dish. Layer over a third of the aubergine slices, top with more sauce and sprinkle with the cheese. Repeat the layers twice more.
Bake at 180 for 40 minutes.

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