

Makes two challot


21g dried yeast
225mls warm water
3 tbsps sugar
2 eggs
2 tbsps oil
2 tsps salt
500g all-purpose flour
Sesame seeds


Place the warm water into a bowl, briefly stir the yeast and leave for 10 minutes. Beat in the sugar, eggs, oil, salt, and half of the flour. Add the rest of the flour and knead for 10-15 minutes. If the dough is too sticky, knead in some more flour. Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a cloth and leave for an hour to rise.

Divide the dough by half, then each half into three pieces. Roll the pieces into long ropes and plait together to make two braided loaves. Leave covered for half an hour. Glaze with some beaten egg and sprinkle with seeds. Bake at 190 for about 30 mins.

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