
Broccoli Quiche

(serves 8)
1 1/2 cups flour
100g marge
3 tbsps water
2 broccolis
1 leek
(or substitute other vegetables:
peppers, mushrooms etc)

4 eggs
300 mls double cream
100 mls milk
2 tbsps flour
salt, pepper, onion powder
3 tbsps grated cheese


For the base, rub together the flour and marge until it forms crumbs. Mix in the water, then press the mixture into a large rectangle dish. Bake at 180 for 20 mins.

Meanwhile, cook the broccoli in boiling water for about 4 mins. Fry the leek in 1 tbsp oil until beginning to soften.

Whisk together the eggs, milk and cream, then mix in the flour and seasoning. Add the vegetables, and pour into the cooked base. Bake at 180 for about 45 mins.

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