
Baked Kibbe


1kg mince meat (beef or lamb)
1 cup bulgar
1 large onion, diced
3 tbsps fresh chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped coriander
2 tbsps oil
2 tsps salt
3/4 tsp garam masala or hawaij spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 egg
100g pine nuts or sunflower seeds


Rinse and soak the bulgar for 15 minutes, then drain. Place some of the onion in a frying pan. In a large bowl, mix the meat with the rest  of the onion, and the herbs and spices. Take 1/3 of this and fry it with the onion until cooked through, then stir in the pine nuts. Mix the egg and the burgul with the other meat mixture, and layer half of it into a lined tin. Then do a layer of meat and pine nuts, then top with the rest of the mixture.
Brush with oil and bake for 40 minutes. Grill until the top is browned, then cut into diamond shapes.

Serves 12.

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