
Custard Tart

1 cup flour
90g marge
1 1/2 tbsps sugar
2 tbsps water
400 mls double cream
200 mls milk
4 eggs
70g sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
Optional: sliced fruit


Mix together the flour, marge and sugar until crumbs form, then add the water. Press the mixture into a pie dish and bake at 180 for 20 mins/
For the custard, whisk the eggs, sugar and vanilla essence. Bring the cream and milk to the boil, then slowly whisk this into the eggs. Pour into the base and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake at 170 for 40 - 50 mins, depending on how deep the dish is. If it starts to get dark on top, cover with foil and continue baking.
Keep refrigerated and serve cold. You can also arrange sliced fruit on top.

Serves 8

To make enough to serve 12, do 1 1/2 times the amounts for the base, and for the custard change the amount to 500mls cream, 300mls milk, 5 eggs and 100g sugar.

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