
Pretzel Peanut Butter Brownies


Brownies (use this recipe, to make a 7 x 11" pan)
60g dark chocolate
100g pretzels (1 1/2 cups)
Peanut Butter Frosting
250g peanut butter
100g icing sugar
50g melted marge

Make the brownies according the recipe. Meanwhile melt the chocolate in a saucepan and stir in the pretzels to coat them. Transfer to a container and leave in the fridge to set. Cream together all the ingredients for the frosting.

When the brownies are completely cool, spread the frosting over the top. Break up the pretzels into pieces and layer them on top, pressing them into the frosting. Refrigerate until the frosting sets.

Variations: Instead of brownies for the base, you could do a shortbread or chocolate chip cookie layer.
Instead of the pretzels, melt 150g chocolate, and swirl it into the frosting layer.

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