
White Chocolate Sauce Pudding


3/4 cup milk
1 1/2 eggs
75g marge, melted
2 tsps vanilla
1 3/4 cups sr flour
2 tsps baking powder
3/4 cup brown sugar
150g white chocolate, grated
2 tbsps sugar
1 3/4 cups lemonade
3 tsps vanilla


Whisk the milk, egg, marge and vanilla. Stir into the flour, sugar and chocolate. Spoon into a baking dish.
Sprinkle over the 2 tbsps sugar. Mix the lemonade and vanilla and pour over the batter. Bake at 180 for around 50 mins.

Variation - white chocolate sauce.
Melt 150g white chocolate with 1/2 cup sugar, 2 cups water and 3 tbsps cornflour. Serve with the sponge pudding.

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